Виробник | Oryx Gaming |
Кол-во линий | 1264 |
Кол-во барабанов | 18 |
Фриспіни | Так |
Бонусний раунд | Так |
Мобільна версія | Так |
Гра на подвоєння | Так |
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Stretch those fingers out gamers, your chilled FIFA days are long behind you. Gaming is no new thing in the world of online entertainment; it’s a practice as old as Dungeons & Dragons and has the power to connect gamers from across the globe.
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The spike in online gaming was heavily influenced by online casino – a thriving industry that’s captured the attention of the entire planet. But even though online slots are taking a leap into the future, the variety of the 21st century has also presented eager gamers with esports as a slot and table game substitute. While the i Gaming industry, crypto and blockchain technologies are prime features of the country’s tourism status, Malta’s Prime Minister Joseph Muscat recently tweeted his support of the esports industry, saying, “#Malta will be making a strong pitch to attract #e Sports festivals and tourism.
We believe this can be a vibrant addition to our product – JM #mediterraneantourismforum”, a comment left on his active Twitter page on February 15th. This official declaration puts Malta on the esports map, thus opening the door to an expansion of the industry, a boost in Malta’s economy and hopefully job opportunities on the island too.
Although esports is finally getting some high stake attention now, it has long been an active industry on the Maltese islands. Gamers such as Kurt Fenech are a great example of this thriving industry on our shores, “Kurt0411” is an avid player of online competitive sports and has earned himself a whopping ,500 from FIFA esports competitions. Some of the most popular co-op games include Call of Duty, where Black Ops 4 became the focus game for The GO Malta Esports Festival 2018, a festival where local and international talent was recognised with a €5,000 cash win.
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This yearly event brings excitement, anticipation and a whole lot of gamers to the scene; this sense of community evokes a sense of determination and commitment to the industry – one which is absolutely necessary for the sector’s success. The industry itself was projected to sum up $905m in 2018 with a 38% year on year growth in its market.
Our future could well in fact be an esports oriented one, where the go-to source of entertainment is esports, a notion that Malta Today noted will draw up an estimated 427 million people worldwide who turn to some form of esports. It’s great news: the possibilities of entertainment for our future are endless and we’re beginning to get a glimpse of live online interaction on a major scale. The new developments in technology, graphic resolution, connectivity and overall user experience make game play so much more exciting.
With STEEP Multiplayer Beta competitions or Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 Co-Op challenges, a whole new game is revealed to players who can take on the mountain or skatepark respectively with a virtual friend who’s on the same mission. Chat while you play, work together or show eachother up with some killer grinds and grabs. So with all the positive developments in the industry, the active community on the island as well as the PM’s backing of the sector; it may in fact seem that Malta will be taking on the big dogs in not only i Gaming, blockchain and other economic outlets, but esports as well.
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