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Google This is a digital copy of a book that was preserved for generations on library shelves before it was carefully scanned by Google as part of a project to make the world's books discoverable online. H»a., *ho aat Oed ban aa a«MUt of tba Bid Ulica fcr eatchinc and inil Dg flih. It haa about 1,600 inhabitants, who dwell al g th road which connects the harbors on the E. It has survived long enough for the copyright to expire and the book to enter the public domain. tu 1808 tt M n Ua of Port Sn Ul Tan ware laliad, and ■ de Uebrat Dt of tmop M whi U». In 1818 tba faluabla Bii Hali imaal tba Situ Ann, ma opturad br tba printcar Tbat Ay Piektrm^ and aant Into Eaatport. shore, and are famou f their daring and expertnesa in the fisheries.
A public domain book is one that was never subject to copyright or whose legal copyright term has expired. They hare 3 school G h rches (mostly Baptist), and a military organiiatioo ; while the ad antages f free-trade, insignificant taxation, government-built roads, and mpl te self-legislation, give reason for the apostrophe, " Happy Man n tea, wh free from grinding taxation, now rove ont from rook-bound coves, and quarry at will in tha silvery mines of the sea ! shore a Sbrd safe shelter for email vessels, and are connected with the great cliffs on the W. The fisheries of cod, herring, and haddock are very extensive in this vicinity, and form the chief resource of the people, who are d Estl Dgnl Bhed for the quaint sim- pllcitj which usually pertains to small and Insulated maritime communi- ties. Whether a book is in the public domain may vary country to country. Grand Manan has been for many years a favorite resort for Amer- ican marine painters, who find excellent studies in its pictuiesqne cl ISs and billowy sens. Maine during the Bevolutkm, held the Island with his Indian ORAND UANAN. 29 auxi UKrtei, but it iras flu Bl Iy ceded to Gret C Britain. to Point Lepreaa, paaalng the epeninp of Chance Harb M* and Di[^r Harbor, In which an ob*ciire marine bamleto. B.) Froa Point Lepreaa the coarse is laid oearly W.
Public domain books are our gateways to the past, representing a wealth of history, culture and knowledge that's often difficult to discover. It was visited by Champlain in 1806, but was occupied only by the Indians for ISO years after. Afler ttie irsr It mi Mttled b; MTentl Lojaliata fram Muucliaaetti, cbicf UDong whom WM Uo MB Gerrlsh. ■ laid well ont In the Bay of Fnudy, which " wean ■ beautiful ■*psct in fineaummer weather, — a sofl chalky hue quile different from the Item bine of the sea on the Atlantic Bhoree, and eomawhat approach- ing the ■ummer tinta of the channel on the coatt of England." Beyood the point of^ltt Bock, Maiquatlt Harbor t le Bn openi Dg to the N. long and very deep, at whoie bead Is the pretty Episcopal Tillage of Miaqaa A (Hoiqaaah Hotel), vith aereral lum- ber-mll U. In the latter, numy ye»r« ago, the frigate Plvmptr was wrecked, with a large aiaonnt of specie on board. Pmitt Leprtau it a bold and tide-swept promaotory, on wblch aro two Smd lights, visible for 18 and a O M. Tba tnnllsc wl U doobtlaiebeamuadat Uurade Deniuid Btari Utjror Uuur Ki OD- Inf ■ho T«f , ** Two Terj d UTnent Impnadoaa in ngsrd to tbe Prorl Dn ot New Br Diuwkik wl U b« proiliusd on tlit mind of tt» struger, luxiinlln E at be CDnttnta ki— ■! for 16^ M- to Bliss Island, crossing the bight of Mace's Bav, a wide and shallow estuary in which are two finhing-hai Dlets. of the course, are the Ave black and dangerous islet B called the Wohtt, mach dreaded by navigators. throof^ tie Xefile Fa—agt, between Hac Uut Hr Iilutd Bad the Penlnsuls of Hmscai- Tt Dt, and Fauitmaqfnidji Bag is entered. Marks, notations and other maiginalia present in the original volume will appear in this file - a reminder of this book's long journey from the publisher to a library and finally to you. A recent writer dsmands that the Itland be Ibrti Sed and developed, cloimi Dg that lis tltnatlon, either for commerce or vnir, la Btrategicallj as Talaabla ai thoie of the Isle of Man, Gnenuey, and Jeney, and (hat it would make a fine point of atlack against Portland SDd the coa«t of Maine. Alyi Dt two canturiea ago a French wai^veuel wae driven Into thia harbor and deatroyed by a British crnlaer. * ^th v Wtlnff tli B tnwn M Bjul laiqivtln| thv laiu U which Ub alone the Ha^ ■ bi l U anmenu isadi Into the intarloc ot . The Saturday steamer stops on thia reac U at Seacer Harbor, a phioe of ICO inhabitants. A vessel of the International Steam- sbip Company was wrecked here two or three years ago. Sweeplnj; up to tlie S., along and close to a bold ahore 1&0-22& ft.
Usage guidelines Google is proud to partner with libraries to digitize public domain materials and make them widely accessible. Grand Harbor Is the chief of (he ialand hamleti, and is sitoated on tha safe and shallow luy of the same oam B. lie Boae, Chejne, and White Head Islands, on the latter or which Audu- bon (ndied tha habits of the herring-gnll B, In 18SS. are the rock-bound aborea of Nantacket Island, and oa (he S. Tit South Shore is reached by a good road leading down from Oisitd Harbor. distance is tbe narrow barl Kir of Stal Gxe, bey« which holds a flzed light (visible for 17 M.) US ft above Wlui U Coet Is on the N. shore, and is bordered by a ahlngle-beaeh' on which are found bits of porpbyiy, agate, jasper, and other mineials. E«l Brook and Northeni Head, tbe Utter titending ont beyond ita neighbor, and be ■ tween are the blue eky and vater." On tiie mel Rnchal; clifig at Eel Brook Gove the ship Lord Aihbtir Um was wrecked, and nearly all on boud were loat [21 of them are buried at Flagg*! Beyond this point, Bjid near the extreme northran cape, ia the Bit Aep'i Bead, to called becanss of a vague profile in the f^e of the c Ufl T. coaat of Grund Uanani* lined with a suceeuio D of mauive c US^ , which appt KT from West Quoddy like a knig- and nnbrohea purple wal L Theie great precipices are 3-100 ft. In tba Ibnwt et- • ■" '-• "'■• •*■- Id hla aimd Ideas of hottest desolktl Dn, and puvart^ sod tiarnimeea appear neoes- sarllj to dmll within (be Ina-bo DDd nhores Bat on the other haad. One of the Wolves bears a revolving ligli C, 111 ft. Tile steamer now roands Bliss Island (which has a fixed red light), and to the N. are seen Che lo Uhig bills of Campobello; Peer Island la nearer, on the W. high, the Eteamer toandt the Slgic Binf To Q the r. Public domain books belong to the public and we are merely their custodians. It has an Episcopal chnrch of atotie and two or three stores, beeidea a small Inn. ** Here tha view Is snrprisingly fine, the entire shore being encircled by immense cliffs that rise up around the border of the blue waves, with a ricbt MM of color and stat^esa of aspect that eennol fidl lo impress the 30 Eoa UB. higli (attaining their gnnleit ele T»- tioa at the S. If the attau^H pene Male bejond th« Atlutir ituma of the Pfdt Idm and trarel ttarongh tlie will be struck bj the Dumber aikd beaatr of Its ri T(n,b; tbefcrtlllty of Usif Tsr Utnds and latertalu, sud W the gniat utaota Dd eios Uaat eoodltloo otltsnads." (Paw. Is seen the aitrance to VEtang Harbor, a deep and picturesque inlet which ia wall sheltered by Islands, the largest of which is called Cai- tiff. ; and the bay is atuddad with neird-hroking hnmmoeky isbu Hts, — the Nubble, White, and Spruce Islands, the grim trap-rock mamekm of White Horae, and many other namaless rocks. and enters the harbor at the mouth a( the Magagtiadavic Jtiner. are the wooded slop^ of Uo But Blair, and some distance up the estu Biy i the hamlet of Mascarane. OMrg« (three inns) li ■ town of 600 inhabitants, devoted to the lumber-trade, and situated about 10 M. It haa t churches, a masonio hall, and a costom-house.
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Nevertheless, this work is expensive, so in order to keep providing tliis resource, we liave taken steps to prevent abuse by commercial parties, including placing technical restrictions on automated querying. end), and form noble eombinalioni of marine aceneiy. ii Indiat Stack, where several lodges of (he Paua- maqnoddy tribe pan the sominer, stlending to Che shore fishery of por- poiees. are the rocky palisades and whirling carrent* of l/rng's Eddy. They are known aa the IFtat /staa, and most of them are inhabited by 32 flonte S. The vessel drifts about In the harbor while psi Htngen and flight an tranafeired la the dingy little ■learner that ascends to St. It la at the head of tide, and thips can load, in the deep water below, all the year round. We also ask that you: Make non-commercial use of the files We designed Google Book Search for use by individuals, and we request that you use these files for personal, non-commercial purposes. A cart-Crack loadi acrow the ialand from near Woodward's Cove to the ro- mantic aoenery about Dark Coet ; near which is Money Cove, lo named because search has been made there for eomti of Capt. The o Ukerpertiof theislaiidanofeonngin Tcalediiltbmasbl Dlenat. Tbe loweeatam ihc Ae, IMdih I vlth small blandi and n^s, aff Orda u^y idctui^qna dthta. Die hrifht Aj, the ahlnjd* h, the pictiinsqu* boata. This district has recently become cdebrated for its' prodaclion of a flue granite, of a ro Bfr4«d color, which receivee a hlg^ polish, and Is being introduced for ornamental columns and nwnumenl B. Along ttie sides of the gorge are several powerful saw- mills, clinging to the rocki like eagles' nests, and sluicing their lumber into the deep pools below.
Refrain fivm automated querying Do not send automated queries of any sort to Google's system: If you are conducting research on machine translation, optical character recognition or other areas where access to a large amount of text is helpful, please contact us. BDd blue land-li Hlud i»s» coatfanalv m tbe -'— '—"n of an arttstki eje, and s Unn the pediatitan on pest cspi, nm, and itil he saddenljr ftnds that rallaa of gnwnd In Umi H ba Cmen Ub bd4 bis : of tbe paln Cer, ta tbenrrtli nhoiea.bntfocth B— "--■■ (L. Ninu.) Cbartevoli apnln of sn old-time wondtr vbleh scema lo hsf* puaad aw^ ttva tbcee ihotes : " It is ettn amrled that at | of a Isigae o R lata Usnana, which stme aa a lu Ma (o vhk Ii lo enter Bl. Tbe Itotal Hall tranrtsaa thia roote dallj orer nads which an rogted and Ura- some. John to Pairyille, MM, ; Bpruoe Lriie, T ; Prinee of Walea, 11: Huaquaih. It retembtea tlie beautiful Scotch g ESnite of Petorhead {popiilarlj called " Aberdeen gran- ite"). George are tlie * Loatr Fai U at the Mngagnadavic, where the river la compressed into a chaam 3D ft. Geologists iiave found, in this vicinity, marked evidences of (he action of icebergs and glaciers. We encourage the use of public domain materials for these purposes and may be able to help. John'a Rlfer, tbere Is a mck al DHMt alinya enr- end % the s«, which la of li^ls-lunlt, II ! 14; Leprau, 2B; New Ri Ver, S3; Pmnfl Bld, «B: SC atoree, 4Gi Bocah K. Fan - " -■..'-.-•-—'.-■ .- - w Mch wsl lecentlj pnvml M), and li BAY OF FONDY. (hla part of Uis eonntrj' p«-aliuly ptclurtsque ; Indeed, tba uelgbbortiood of Hi. Maintain attribution Tht Goog Xt "watermark" you see on each file is essential for in forming people about this project and helping them find additional materials through Google Book Search. Keep it legal Whatever your use, remember that you are responsible for ensuring that what you are doing is legal. • added tbst Caumander de Baillli bn*eiifrap)eee, which be sent to Tnne*, and Biaar Senys, who had naen It, aa^ 6. An- Cabu block^ronner JEdf ii Sl-iari, but UDther let Hl w Ul run here In K'ib. Geoiga, the Dlgdagtugh, Chaiiicwk, and the loimr St.
Do not assume that just because we believe a book is in the public domain for users in the United States, that the work is also in the public domain for users in other countries. St Johii to St Audrewi and St Stephen.— Fa MUOar quoddy Bay. BHiihen ererr Koniay and Prldar morning, ysrea, at. Cruli, pi BHnt the tiaiella Ijkke Dtopls b pietumqi Hl T Bltuated In Kdecpuidatieltenddeprado D a DHwc i reached by a good road (Ti Gllors can also go by railway to the foot of the moontain).
Whether a book is still in copyright varies from country to country, and we can't offer guidance on whether any specific use of any specific book is allowed. The steamer Ica Tst lb* Reid'i Poliit Wharf e Tery Thnndaf and Satnrd BT, at B ^ii.,uid Hchei St. It is often ascended by par Ues for the sake of the baau Uful view, which includes "the lovely Passamaqaoddy Bay, with its little islands and outline recalling recollections of the Gulf of Naples as seen from the summit of Vesuvius, whibt the scenery toward the N, is hilly, with deep intervening troughs ctmtaining natural tarns, where the togve or gray-spotted tront is plentifal" The bright course of the St. Please do not assume that a book's appearance in Google Book Search means it can be used in any manner anywhere in the world. Croix River is visible forn long distance, and numerous pretty frontier-Tillages are seen oa either shore.
How the Russian bookmaker 1XBet created a network to collect personal.
Copyright infringement liabili^ can be quite severe. " The glacial rounded top ■' of Chamcook is scored with the long scratches which Indicate that at some remote age a glacier from the northern highlands has grated and ground its way across the moun- tain. About Google Book Search Google's mission is to organize the world's information and to make it universally accessible and useful. The views of the Chamcook Lake and Harbor, and of the nnmerons As the steamer swings out into the river, the little sbip-bullding village d out to Oxu that arta wen uun ; ftir there ara » nunr iilae aad gnat b«yi to go by ....... onder bow o» mlg St Brer pie FOeeolhr 1ie ottien, on the th Ml Mw Ith Id that Dijgfat Uke Um. Google Book Search helps readers discover the world's books while helping authors and publishers reach new audiences. Vbic&lieh«Tt Dgd«H,hediui Hedto K|ionni there any lodfer." Late in the jcai, " the mot argent tidnn behig done, mod Ius7 now T £the T being eonie, Uiat li to tty, Wfailcr, than Siaj were tbned to keep within doon, and to bre ererr one at Us own home. Andrews the river deflects to the W., and to the S. abora this point the eteamer ceache* her ilock at St Stephsn.
You can search through the full text of this book on the web at | //books .google .com/I Fe ASTERN ^ MAMMi Jl ^ Central Railroad Line, h THE GREAT THROUGH ROUTe. ]arinff which time our DBenbad three epeeia] dlnonuaadltlcfl in thk Uand : want of wood Itat ""' —*-■-■- wai hi the laid Ue wai spent hi hnlldi Dgiq, lack of flwh water, and U) walsh made b; night, Aarinc iw •draatthefbot oftheialdtak H .. face of Dunj Chrladans la loeh, that one mast take heed of them m oflnldeli." (Luouso I'B Kmnt Bt Ftanct.) In 17SS tba tint St. la Been the deep and spacious • Oak Bay, snrronndfld by bold hills, and fonning a beanti Hil and pictoresqne prnepect. abore [s the sntlqiutcd marine hamlet csjled Tkt Ledgt (L bank), most of whose inhabituitg are depend- ent on the SB! Bt Stephan ( Wa Om Hoiat) it an active and eaterprlslng prorinelal low D, aitnated at the head of na Tigation on the St. The population is abont G,000, witb 8 chnrche B, 2 newspapers, and 3 banks. Stephen Is moettj connected with the manu&ctare and ihipment of Inmtwr. Cnax Exdiimge), a small city of the State of Maine, with 6,000 Inhabicaota, 7 cburche B, 2 weekly papers, and 2 banks.